Here is a list and description of the twelve birthstones,
color and their corresponding astrological signs.
Birthstone: garnet.
Garnet is a silicate of varying color: red-brown,
dark green or even black. The chemical composition of garnet is also very
variable, the main types of garnet are: proper (Mg3Al2Si3O12), alimenting
(Fe3Al2Si3O12), the separating (Mn3Al2Si3O12), antedate (Ca3Fe2Si3O12), the granularity
(Ca3Al2Si3O12) and 'uvarovite (Ca3Cr2Si3O12). On a hardness of 6 to 7.5 on the
Mohs scale, garnet crystallizes as the cubic system. Garnet is used in jewelry
for thousands of years - its use is lost in the mists of time. Among the
ancients, garnet symbolizes sincerity and loyalty, and it was believed that he
could provide protection against injury.
Being the birthstone of January, garnet is associated with
the astrological signs Capricorn and Aquarius.
Birthstone: amethyst.
Amethysts is a silicate purple to violet. In
reality, the amethyst is a variety of quartz (rock crystal) whose chemical
composition is SiO2. The color of amethyst is due to traces of iron used in its
composition. Among the ancients, it was believed that the amethyst provided
protection against drunkenness and possession of the virtues of spiritual
Being the birthstone of February, the amethyst is associated
with the astrological signs Aquarius and Pisces.
Birthstone: aquamarine.
Aquamarine diving is generally a silicate
greenish blue color. In a high hardness (7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale),
aquamarine crystallizes in the hexagonal system and the chemical composition
Be3Al2Si6O18. The ancients believed that aquamarine possessed qualities
soothing and promotes abundant catches when fishing at sea
Being the birthstone of March, aquamarine is associated with
the astrological signs Pisces and Aries.
Birthstone: diamond.
Diamond consists of crystallized carbon as the
cubic system. Diamond is the hardest natural minerals (10 on the Mohs scale),
and his legendary adamant luster is due to a very high refractive index
(3.517). The diamond symbolizes the unity and reconciliation.
Being the birthstone of April, the diamond is associated
with the astrological signs Aries and Taurus.
Birthstone: emerald.
Emerald, mineral green, is a variety of beryl. In
a high hardness (7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale), the emerald is a silicate of
aluminum and beryllium with chromium, chemical formula Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6: Cr.
Emerald is used in jewelry since ancient Egypt , and he attributed the power
to cure certain diseases, such as epilepsy.
Being the birthstone of May, the emerald is associated with
the astrological signs Taurus and Gemini.
Birthstone: Pearl .
Pearl is not a stone itself, but rather a concretion
of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) produced by certain mollusks, such as oysters,
when the intrusion of a foreign body. The mixture of mineral aragonite and
calcite, which make up the pearl is called nacre. In many cultures, the pearl
symbolizes femininity and fertility.
Being the birthstone of June, the pearl is associated with
the astrological signs Gemini and Cancer.
Birthstone: Ruby
Ruby red, ruby is a variety of corundum. Ruby -
aluminum oxide with chromium (Al2O3: Cr) - is very hard (9 on the Mohs scale).
When pure, the ruby of great value to jewelry. Symbol of happiness among the
ancients, the ruby was said to be, heal wounds and had a beneficial power on
cardiac function.
Being the birthstone for July, ruby is associated with the
astrological signs Cancer and Leo.
Birthstone: peridot
Peridot, whose color can range from yellowish
green to olive green, is the name given to olivine when used in jewelry as a
stone semi-accurate. Chemical formula (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4, peridot is quite hard
(6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale). In ancient Egypt , it was believed that peridot
could heal certain physical disabilities.
Being the birthstone of August, the peridot is associated
with the astrological signs Leo and Virgo.
Birthstone: Sapphire
Sapphire is the blue variety of corundum (the red
is the ruby version), it has the same hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale and the
same chemical formula (Al2O3). The blue sapphire comes from traces of iron and
titanium. The presence of other elements can give different colors (yellow,
pink, green, white or colored), but the blue sapphire is by definition if there
is no mention of another color (eg white sapphire). The ancients attributed to
the different powers sapphire gift of prophecy, the ability to drive the
plague, etc..
Being the birthstone of September, sapphire is associated
with the astrological signs Virgo and Libra.
Birthstone: Opal
opale is composed of hydrated silica (SiO2 * nH2O).
Its water content varies between 3% and 20%. There are many varieties of opal,
color and brightness very different (white, black, iridescent, orange, etc.)..
To the ancients, the opal symbolized hope. The ancient Egyptians gave him
Being the birthstone of October, the opal is associated with
the astrological signs Libra and Scorpio.
Birthstone: topaz
Topaz, a silicate chemical formula Al2SiO4 (F, OH)
2, is a fine stone found in a wide range of colors, due to traces of iron,
titanium, magnesium and chromium. Although its color is golden yellow
characteristics, topaz can be colorless, white, blue, green, brown, yellow,
orange, pink, red or even purple. In ancient Egypt , the topaz was associated -
because of his color - the sun god Ra. In ancient India , was attributed to the Topaz
power to balance or control emotions.
Being the birthstone of November, topaz is associated with
the astrological signs Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Birthstone: Turquoise
Turquoise is a hydrated basic phosphate of
aluminum and copper (CuAl6 (PO4) 4 (OH) 8 • 4H2O). Characteristic greenish-blue
color is given to him by copper. Turquoise is operated and used in jewelry for
over 2000 years. Turquoise was especially appreciated by the Aztecs, with whom
the fine stone symbolized the success and wealth.
Being the birthstone for December, turquoise is associated
with the astrological signs Sagittarius and Capricorn.
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