The Beryl: a family of coolers Les are a family of beryl
gems that include several stones of the same physical and chemical composition,
including the brilliance of emerald green color is the most ardent, aquamarine,
which accepts all shades of blue - pale blue sky, deep blue, the color pink morganatic,
heliodor the characteristic yellow color, yellow beryl or bronze reflection gahnite,
Characteristics of Beryl:
The beryls are widespread. Their beautiful colors,
accentuated their bright and good hardness of 7.5 / 10 makes it easy to wear
for any occasion.
The beryls are silicates of aluminum and beryllium. The pure
beryl or "goshenite" have no color. When they include other minerals,
they are different colors: green, yellow, pink or blue.
Thus, the aquamarine is more or less blue because it
contains more or less iron. In all cases, the color is perfectly uniform.
The "Morganatic", so called since 1911 in honor of
the great lover of gems from New York John Pierpont Morgan, has a color range
that goes from pink to pale violet, through the deep pink hue and fishing.
These colors are due to the presence of manganese in stone. In the past, this
stone was called the "pink beryl."
The "golden beryl" is a beautiful yellow with
traces of uranium it contains. This changed when the yellow beryl contains
iron, in addition to uranium. We are then in the presence of a stone called the
Producing countries beryls
The beryls are found in Mozambique ,
Brazil , Madagascar , Namibia ,
Russia and the United States .
Beryl deposits are generally similar to those of aquamarine.
Beryl's wedding
Celebrating the wedding of beryl when it reaches 23 years of
The emerald has a special status
because they deserve it after 40 of marriage, but it can also offer from the 23
years of marriage.
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