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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Information About - Rhodochrosite, Rhodolite, Ruby

The rhodochrosite is a pink stone, a relatively rare mineral that forms in hydrothermal veins of silver, lead and copper, combined with other manganese minerals. It is a minor source of manganese is used as ornamental stone. It is difficult to cut because of its low hardness.

The rhodonite stone has a color ranging from pink to red is a species that is part of the garnets. This coloration, with the fact that garnets do not usually include inclusions, because the chocolate is used as semi-precious gem.

Ruby is the red variety of corundum mineral family and is a rare gem. It is used in jewelry and is classified as a gemstone. The color is caused mainly by the presence of chromium oxide (other varieties of corundum are called sapphire). Only diamond and moissanite has hardness greater. The market value of ruby depends on several factors: volume, color, clarity and size. All natural rubies have inclusions, these inclusions are more rare and tiny, and the stone has more value. That, with colored diamonds, the precious stone that can reach the highest values.
Use: good luck.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Information About - Sapphire, Sardonyx Gemstones, Serpentine,

This gemstone is fairly common and is the stone of the best selling color in the world thanks to its attractive price. This mineral is a variety of mineral corundum family. The use of the word sapphire is only one reserved for the blue variety. We are also pink, yellow, orange, purple, green, colorless, and other tones to be named, pink sapphire, yellow sapphire, etc.. The blue variety is the best known. The orange-pink color, also called "Lotus Flower" is the rarest and most valuable. Sapphire can be heat-treated; stones, too light, too dark, or with many inclusions, are heated. This process helps to enhance color and brightness by dissolving the trace elements present in the stone. You can find star sapphires, cabochon cut. Under the sun, we will see a star of six branches and rarely appear in 12 branches.
Usage: aid to understanding problems, kill spiders, increases magical powers.

Sardonyx Gemstones
 The carnelian stone is a reddish-brown, more or less translucent. This is actually a variety of chalcedony.
Use: good for wisdom.

Serpentine is a mineral from the alteration of a basic rock and comes in several forms: chrysotile, layered curves that form spirals, polygonal serpentine, chrysotile, but similar to the curvature of the layers are not continuous, the final appearance is that of a spiral polygon, lizardite, area, right where the silicon and magnesium are partially replaced by aluminum; Antigo rite, where the tendency to bend typical of serpentine is reversed periodically, which results in a corrugated structure.
Use: increases deception and cunning

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Information About - Spinel, Tanzanite, Topaz.

Spinel is a gemstone used in jewelry that can be found in virtually every color except yellow. The red has long been confused with ruby.

Tanzanite is a gem transparent. Rocks freed from the earth's crust and washed into the magma fluid where they are based on small particles that are aimed at the inclusion of precious stones. This gem is very popular in jewelry for its strong pleochroism (brown, red and blue) where the blue and purple varieties are most popular.
Use: balancing virtues and HARMONISAT that can soothe nervous persons.
The Topaz is a crystal used in jewelry, classified as fine stone, which comes in a wide variety of colors in nature: it can be colorless or it may be brown, yellow, yellow-orange, pink, red, green or blue (some darker shades can be obtained by heating or irradiation). Among the most sought-after figure in the famous imperial topaz gold color characteristic intense orange-red. To recognize a Topaz Citrine faceted one (yellow), an Amethyst (pale purple) or aquamarine (blue, blue-green), place your thumb on the table. It should slide like a soap moistened. Please note that the Citrine is sometimes mistakenly called "yellow topaz". Some unscrupulous dealers continue to use this name to fraudulently pass for Citrine Topaz. In jewelry, when properly cut, the colorless topaz can replace the diamond at lower cost.
Usage: easy sleep, awakens wisdom and away the sadness and melancholy.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Informations About Gemstones - Alexandrite, Almandine, Amethyst.

The Alexandrite is a stone that changes color with the light blue-green to light pink-red fire ... Some alexandrite are significantly lower quality and do not always have the particularity to change of color. This gem, from the family of chrysoberyl, a price that often exceeds that of diamond fine specimens.
Use: good omens.

The almandine garnet is the most common. When it is used as a gemstone, it is called a carbuncle.

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz, transparent to translucent. This mineral is classified as a gemstone. The color of amethyst remains stable up to 250 ° C, beyond, most fade. To 500 ° C, it becomes lemon yellow but fades again if the temperature is raised to 600 ° C, before the quartz becomes milky due to the appearance of water sub-microscopic. Also, amethysts undergo heat treatment on a large scale to obtain citrines.
Use: combat alcohol poisoning, stimulates creativity, meditation, and prophetic dreams. It would destroy the spell of a jealous lover, to keep bad women and vipers. Placed under a pillow at night she would fight against insomnia. Powder, it soothes the stomach pain, improve liver function and heal burns.

Information About - Tourmaline, Turquoise, Zircon.

Tourmaline is a common mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks, as well as high-temperature hydrothermal veins, which may consist of several colors. It is used in jewelry for colored varieties, but also to clean the pipes due to its piezoelectric effect. It also has piezoelectric properties, so that, when heated, both ends of opposite electrical charges accumulate, which can attract dust through static electricity. Tourmaline is also used in mineral exploration as a precursor sign geological formation gold deposit.

Turquoise is an ornamental stone that gave its name to a shade of blue. Its opaque appearance and especially its blue-green color is due to the amount of copper it contains. For a long time, it is appreciated and used by craftsmen and goldsmiths as gemstone.
Use: with horses in all circumstances (the stone then flies to pieces).

The zircons are yellow garnet called hyacinths. Transparent specimens are used in jewelry for uses similar to those of diamond. Sometimes colorless zircons have a natural color that ranges from golden to red and brown, but they can also be green, blue or black. The dust is white zircon. Zircon can be sparkling, that is to say, show an effect "cat's eye" the stones cut into cabochons. The specimens, which by their size and purity are considered as precious stones, are appreciated as a substitute for diamonds, with which they are often confused. Some zircon grains have been dated as the oldest known terrestrial minerals witnesses. The mineral zircon is formed, among other things, in the genesis of plutonic rocks of the most common, the main constituents of the Earth's crust: the granites at large. It appears as one of the early products of primary crystallization of igneous rocks such as granite and alkaline rocks.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Here is a list and description of the twelve birthstones, color and their corresponding astrological signs.

Here is a list and description of the twelve birthstones, color and their corresponding astrological signs.

Birthstone: garnet.
Garnet is a silicate of varying color: red-brown, dark green or even black. The chemical composition of garnet is also very variable, the main types of garnet are: proper (Mg3Al2Si3O12), alimenting (Fe3Al2Si3O12), the separating (Mn3Al2Si3O12), antedate (Ca3Fe2Si3O12), the granularity (Ca3Al2Si3O12) and 'uvarovite (Ca3Cr2Si3O12). On a hardness of 6 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, garnet crystallizes as the cubic system. Garnet is used in jewelry for thousands of years - its use is lost in the mists of time. Among the ancients, garnet symbolizes sincerity and loyalty, and it was believed that he could provide protection against injury.

Being the birthstone of January, garnet is associated with the astrological signs Capricorn and Aquarius.

Birthstone: amethyst.
Amethysts is a silicate purple to violet. In reality, the amethyst is a variety of quartz (rock crystal) whose chemical composition is SiO2. The color of amethyst is due to traces of iron used in its composition. Among the ancients, it was believed that the amethyst provided protection against drunkenness and possession of the virtues of spiritual healing.

Being the birthstone of February, the amethyst is associated with the astrological signs Aquarius and Pisces.

Birthstone: aquamarine.
Aquamarine diving is generally a silicate greenish blue color. In a high hardness (7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale), aquamarine crystallizes in the hexagonal system and the chemical composition Be3Al2Si6O18. The ancients believed that aquamarine possessed qualities soothing and promotes abundant catches when fishing at sea

Being the birthstone of March, aquamarine is associated with the astrological signs Pisces and Aries.

Birthstone: diamond.
Diamond consists of crystallized carbon as the cubic system. Diamond is the hardest natural minerals (10 on the Mohs scale), and his legendary adamant luster is due to a very high refractive index (3.517). The diamond symbolizes the unity and reconciliation.

Being the birthstone of April, the diamond is associated with the astrological signs Aries and Taurus.

Birthstone: emerald.
Emerald, mineral green, is a variety of beryl. In a high hardness (7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale), the emerald is a silicate of aluminum and beryllium with chromium, chemical formula Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6: Cr. Emerald is used in jewelry since ancient Egypt, and he attributed the power to cure certain diseases, such as epilepsy.

Being the birthstone of May, the emerald is associated with the astrological signs Taurus and Gemini.

Birthstone: Pearl.
Pearl is not a stone itself, but rather a concretion of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) produced by certain mollusks, such as oysters, when the intrusion of a foreign body. The mixture of mineral aragonite and calcite, which make up the pearl is called nacre. In many cultures, the pearl symbolizes femininity and fertility.

Being the birthstone of June, the pearl is associated with the astrological signs Gemini and Cancer.

Birthstone: Ruby
Ruby red, ruby is a variety of corundum. Ruby - aluminum oxide with chromium (Al2O3: Cr) - is very hard (9 on the Mohs scale). When pure, the ruby of great value to jewelry. Symbol of happiness among the ancients, the ruby was said to be, heal wounds and had a beneficial power on cardiac function.

Being the birthstone for July, ruby is associated with the astrological signs Cancer and Leo.

Birthstone: peridot
Peridot, whose color can range from yellowish green to olive green, is the name given to olivine when used in jewelry as a stone semi-accurate. Chemical formula (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4, peridot is quite hard (6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale). In ancient Egypt, it was believed that peridot could heal certain physical disabilities.

Being the birthstone of August, the peridot is associated with the astrological signs Leo and Virgo.

Birthstone: Sapphire
Sapphire is the blue variety of corundum (the red is the ruby version), it has the same hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale and the same chemical formula (Al2O3). The blue sapphire comes from traces of iron and titanium. The presence of other elements can give different colors (yellow, pink, green, white or colored), but the blue sapphire is by definition if there is no mention of another color (eg white sapphire). The ancients attributed to the different powers sapphire gift of prophecy, the ability to drive the plague, etc..

Being the birthstone of September, sapphire is associated with the astrological signs Virgo and Libra.

Birthstone: Opal
opale is composed of hydrated silica (SiO2 * nH2O). Its water content varies between 3% and 20%. There are many varieties of opal, color and brightness very different (white, black, iridescent, orange, etc.).. To the ancients, the opal symbolized hope. The ancient Egyptians gave him invaluable.

Being the birthstone of October, the opal is associated with the astrological signs Libra and Scorpio.

Birthstone: topaz
Topaz, a silicate chemical formula Al2SiO4 (F, OH) 2, is a fine stone found in a wide range of colors, due to traces of iron, titanium, magnesium and chromium. Although its color is golden yellow characteristics, topaz can be colorless, white, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, pink, red or even purple. In ancient Egypt, the topaz was associated - because of his color - the sun god Ra. In ancient India, was attributed to the Topaz power to balance or control emotions.

Being the birthstone of November, topaz is associated with the astrological signs Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Birthstone: Turquoise
Turquoise is a hydrated basic phosphate of aluminum and copper (CuAl6 (PO4) 4 (OH) 8 • 4H2O). Characteristic greenish-blue color is given to him by copper. Turquoise is operated and used in jewelry for over 2000 years. Turquoise was especially appreciated by the Aztecs, with whom the fine stone symbolized the success and wealth.

Being the birthstone for December, turquoise is associated with the astrological signs Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Birth Stones, History of the stones

History of the stones

All sorts of myths and superstitions develop something special about these stones. This is probably the breathtaking beauty and fascination exerted by the very acute gems in our imagination that makes you dream about their fantastic properties.

Each month of birth is a special stone that can be a kind of talisman for those who use crystal healing.

One can notice some similarities with some peculiarities of our character. The stone for the month of October which is my birth year is entirely consistent with my personality: multi script femininity. And for you, does it feel the same? What do you think about crystal healing?


It was believed that garnets possess the ability to purify the body medicine and solve emotional problems. It was a garnet as an amulet to protect against poisons. The ancient Hebrews called garnet Baraka, which means light, and a legend says that Noah suspended garnet in the ark to spread light and retain the sun's energy


Amethyst was a symbol of modesty and inner peace; it was also associated with the purifying power of the mind. Since ancient times until recently, it was said it protected from drunkenness. In Greek a-amethysts means "not drunk".


The Romans were the first to designate by that name which means "sea water". It was used by fishermen to protect them at sea and to ensure a successful fishing. Today, it is believed that this stone has the calming effect browsers, soothing and purifying sea


Diamond is also known as Regina gem arum the "queen of gems." It is associated with perfection and purity intact. In the West, Plato in ancient times evoked the image of an axis of the world made up of diamonds. In popular belief, the diamond was supposed to make it invisible, to hunt the spirits and attract favors women


"The emerald gives the reason, wisdom and skill," wrote L. Harnesser alchemist. The ancient lapidary attributed to him the power to chase storms and thunderstorms, and to help the slaves go free. The color green was the symbol active water and fertilizing rain. It is said to increase its activity in the spring, the season where everything grows green


The pearl is, because of its color and luster, considered "moon", from its spherical shape for a reference to perfection. Christian tells a story that "there is a shell in the sea called" purple shell. “It dates back from the depths of the sea  ... Opens his mouth to drink the dew of heaven, the brightness of the sun, moon and stars, and gave birth to the pearl of all these lights together "


The ruby, as Portal, was regarded in antiquity as the emblem of happiness if he changed color, it was a bad omen, but he resumed his purple tint when the accident had happened, he banished sorrow and repressed lust, he resisted the poison, warned of plague and turned evil thoughts


This stone is sometimes called olivine. The Egyptians used peridot to stop physical handicaps such as lack of muscle control and disease hepatics. On had identified the peridot, as well as the Topaz as a stone containing the power of the sun


Sapphire is a stone which, because of its color, is associated with the sky and the air element. Lancer’s, naturalist of the Middle Ages, wrote that sapphire makes "happy, alert and collected" and force the disposition of the soul to peace. Albert LeGrand believed that the sapphire brings with it "peace and harmony"


The opal contains the many faces of Eve. Some are milky, others are light, some are gelatinous, but they have within them the rainbow, rainbow magic. The valuable black opals are the most expensive. Octavia’s??  Caesar says the legend wanted to sell a third of its vast Roman Empire for a single opal


In the ancient language of the Hindus, topaz means "fire." The old ways say that this stone has great power, particularly to control the raging passions and balance the emotional borne diseases. For the Egyptians topaz represented Ra, the sun god, the giver of life and fertility


In Mexico, turquoise was one of the most popular stones whose value was second only to jade. Turquoise mosaics adorned the diadem of kings and their shield parade.
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