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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Information About - Rhodochrosite, Rhodolite, Ruby

The rhodochrosite is a pink stone, a relatively rare mineral that forms in hydrothermal veins of silver, lead and copper, combined with other manganese minerals. It is a minor source of manganese is used as ornamental stone. It is difficult to cut because of its low hardness.

The rhodonite stone has a color ranging from pink to red is a species that is part of the garnets. This coloration, with the fact that garnets do not usually include inclusions, because the chocolate is used as semi-precious gem.

Ruby is the red variety of corundum mineral family and is a rare gem. It is used in jewelry and is classified as a gemstone. The color is caused mainly by the presence of chromium oxide (other varieties of corundum are called sapphire). Only diamond and moissanite has hardness greater. The market value of ruby depends on several factors: volume, color, clarity and size. All natural rubies have inclusions, these inclusions are more rare and tiny, and the stone has more value. That, with colored diamonds, the precious stone that can reach the highest values.
Use: good luck.

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