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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Information About - Spinel, Tanzanite, Topaz.

Spinel is a gemstone used in jewelry that can be found in virtually every color except yellow. The red has long been confused with ruby.

Tanzanite is a gem transparent. Rocks freed from the earth's crust and washed into the magma fluid where they are based on small particles that are aimed at the inclusion of precious stones. This gem is very popular in jewelry for its strong pleochroism (brown, red and blue) where the blue and purple varieties are most popular.
Use: balancing virtues and HARMONISAT that can soothe nervous persons.
The Topaz is a crystal used in jewelry, classified as fine stone, which comes in a wide variety of colors in nature: it can be colorless or it may be brown, yellow, yellow-orange, pink, red, green or blue (some darker shades can be obtained by heating or irradiation). Among the most sought-after figure in the famous imperial topaz gold color characteristic intense orange-red. To recognize a Topaz Citrine faceted one (yellow), an Amethyst (pale purple) or aquamarine (blue, blue-green), place your thumb on the table. It should slide like a soap moistened. Please note that the Citrine is sometimes mistakenly called "yellow topaz". Some unscrupulous dealers continue to use this name to fraudulently pass for Citrine Topaz. In jewelry, when properly cut, the colorless topaz can replace the diamond at lower cost.
Usage: easy sleep, awakens wisdom and away the sadness and melancholy.

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