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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Garnet: stone with fine varieties

Garnet: stone with fine varieties
Characteristics of garnets:
The garnets are of gem quality stones.
"Garnet" means a family group minerals from crystallizing nésosilicates; group that belongs to the cubic crystal system.
A rock composed mainly of garnet called a granitite.
When used alone, the word is synonymous with garnet proper-almandine.
The garnets are hard (7 to 7.5 in 10). The pyrope, which are part, are often used as abrasives, although it prefers corundum is even harder (9 of 10).
Garnets are hot color from red to green:

• Pyrope: fire red, brownish
• Rhodolite (limine variety of pyrope): pinkish red, purplish
• Almandine red brick that can shoot the purple
• Spessartite or "color Fanta" orange to red-brown
• Hessonite (grossular): dark orange
• Tsavorite (grossular): intense green
• Demantoid (andradite): green meadow emerald garnet most valuable

Producing countries:
The garnet deposits are found mainly in Ceylon, Brazil, Madagascar, United States, Tanzania, Zambia, India, Afghanistan, South Africa, Australia, knowing however that is mostly hessonite Ceylon and the tsavorite comes mainly from Tanzania. Bohemia is a producer of proper.

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