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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Jade, Jasper, Lapis lazuli

Jade is a very hard gemstone-green more or less pronounced. The different varieties of jade were very used to the time of the polished stone for making axes. In the symbolic Oriental jade was a stone on the Emperor, the symbol of absolute power. In addition, they placed in the mouth of the deceased a cicada jade, a symbol of eternal life and resurrection. Always in the East, jade is considered to be the seed of the dragon.
Use: gift for music and instruments.

Jasper is a sedimentary rock is often classified with microcrystalline quartz. Jasper can have several aspects: spotted, ribbon, red (or Eastern), to red spots on a green background, black, etc.. and several varieties: The radiologists, red violet, the Lydian, rock close to the radiologists but gray or black due to the presence of carbonaceous materials, the aphanites more clay and gray or black. Jasper is often used to make cuts and also articles for the decoration of the facades.
Application: protection against venom.

Lapis lazuli
Lapis lazuli is a metamorphic rock that is often found in limestone. She is best known as an ornamental stone, opaque, blue, between the blue and ultramarine. The value lapis have a deep blue color, dotted with bursts of yellow pyrite. If they are too numerous, or if the rock contains veins of white calcite, then it loses its value. Lapis can be perfectly polite and it is widely used in jewelry. It is also used to make mosaics, sculptures and ornaments. Ground, it can serve as a blue pigment (overseas) for painting. Spinel, other ornamental stone, was sometimes sold for lapis and can also be confused with the sapphire.
Use: The lapis has a reputation as an aphrodisiac but you can assign other medicinal properties: good for the robustness of the members, and preventing the spirit of fear, doubt and envy. It is drunk crushed, mixed with milk.

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