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Friday, March 16, 2012


The dropsied is named after the words "say" and "posies" meaning double vision. The Greek root has been assigned because of its strong birefringence which causes a splitting of the pavilion facets when viewed through the table. The gem-quality dropsied generally has a very dark green which is caused by the presence of chromium. The stones that resemble it are emerald, peridot and tourmaline. Its main sources are mining in South Africa, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Finland.


     Crystal system: Mono clinic
     Chemistry: Ca Mg (SiO3) 2 (Silicate of calcium and magnesium).
     Color: Light green to dark green, yellow, colorless.
     Hardness: 5.0 - 6.0
     Specific gravity: 3.30
     Refractive index: 1.67 - 1.72
     Dispersion: None
     Polychrome: yellow-green, olive green.

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