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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Taconite Garnet

The taconite garnet is named after the main place where one makes the extraction: Stave National Park in Kenya. Its green color makes it a unique stone great demand as is often confused with the emerald. However, it is brighter, clearer and stronger than it. Discovered in the sixties, its marketing was done in 1974 by Tiffany who launched a hundred years ago, another green garnet which deposits are now exhausted: the rare dermatitis.


     Crystal system: Cubic
     Chemical composition: Ca3Al2 (SiO4) aluminum silicate and calcium.
     Colors: Green to yellow green
     Hardness: 7 to 7.25
     Specific gravity: 3.61
     Refractive index: 1.74
     Dispersion: 0028
     Polychrome: None
     Birthstone: January

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