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Thursday, April 12, 2012


The originality of this model lies in the line of the crown.
This table has a triangle whose contours are defined by the
Presence of three facets that is identical. This characteristic, rare
In the design of precious stones, is what earned him his name.

This design has 55 facets, 18 on the crown
And 30 on the pavilion. The superposition of the triangles of the crown and the star
Flag do very well out its brightness. Designed for a refractive index
Of 1.54, the angles chosen for reproduction refract light
A percentage that reached 83.8%

For refractive index of               1.54
Index:                                                   96
Number of faces:                                  55 (C = 18 P = 30 F = 6 T = 1)
Brightness size:                                     83.8%
Volume:                                                0172
Length / Width:                                     1.0
Height crown                                        0276
Pavilion Height:                                     .690
Total height / width:                               0602
Table / width:                                        0431

A. Pavilion
F1                    04-28-36-60-68-92                 90.00 Determine the diameter of the stone
1. 54.90           04-28-36-60-68-92                 Determine the location of the girdle
2. 44.81           05-27-37-59-69-91                 Meet F1 and 1
3. 40.90           07-25-39-57-71-89                 Meet F1, 1 and 2
4. 44.60           01-31-33-63-65-95                 Meet F1 and 1
5. 45.31           02-30-34-62-66-94                 Meet 1 and 5
B. Crown
1.                    04-28-36-60-68-92                 44.50 Determine the height of the girdle
2.                     02-30-34-62-66-94                 32.00 --- Meet F1 and 1
3.                     96-32-64                                 29.15 Meet F1, 1 and 2
4.                     16-48-80                                 26.89 Meet F1 and 1
T. Table           0.00                                         Meeting 2, 3 and 4

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