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Friday, April 20, 2012


Refractive index:                       1.54
Index:                                       96
Facets:                                     65 (P = 28 C = 22 F = 14 T = 1)
Brightness:                                78.5%
Volume:                                    0265
Length / Width:                         1.27
Height crown                            0290
Pavilion Height:                         .680
Height / width:                           0672
Table / width:                            0504

A  90.00                      02-94 A and G determine the length
G  90.00                      41-55   A and G determine the length
C   90.00                     17-79 C and D determine the width
D  90.00                      28-68   C and D determine the width
B   90.00                      08-88 the length of the segment B is equal to the segment A
E   90.00                      34-62 segments E and F are of equal length
F   90.00                      38-58 segments E and F are of equal length
1   46.22                      02-94 Determine the location of the girdle
2   42.72                      08-88 Determine the location of the girdle
3   43.02                      17-79 Determine the location of the girdle
4   42.11                      28-68 Determine the location of the girdle
5   42.62                      34-62 Determine the location of the girdle
6   44.92                      38-58 Determine the location of the girdle
7  44.52                       41-55 Determine the location of the girdle
8  44.52                       01-95 Meet in a girdle
9   40.50                      09-87 Meet at 2 and 3 girdle
10 40.60                      33-63 Meet the girdle 4 and 5
11 43.52                      39-57   6 and 7 to meet girdle
1 54.25                        02-94 Determine the height of the girdle
2 49.72                         08-88 Determine the height of the girdle
42.63   3                      17-79 Determine the height of the girdle
4 38.54                        28-68 Determine the height of the girdle
5 40.11                        34-62 Determine the height of the girdle
6   42.23                      38-58 Determine the height of the girdle
7   43.46                      41-55 Determine the height of the girdle
8   42.69                      05-91 Meet 1 and 2 in girdle
9   32.00                      22-74 Meet 3 and 4 in girdle
10 36.99                      36-60 Meet 5 and 6 in girdle
11 31.75                      487 meeting in girdle
12 24.41                      96 Encounter 1 and 8
13 20.10                      12-84 2-3-8-9 Meet
14 21.12                      31-65Meet 4-5-9-10
15 19.68                      42-54 Meet 6-7-10-11
T 00.00 Table meeting 8-9-10-11

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