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Monday, April 16, 2012


This design is a variation of the traditional oval cut. It is distinguished by the presence
Of 16 additional facets, 8 of 8 on the crown and the pavilion, the arrangement and the degree
Elevation angles provide it with more brilliance and greater weight retention.

This variant is designed to gems that have a high refractive index
(Garnet, sapphire, spinal, ruby ...), able to withstand the considerable gap between the
Angles of the facets of the culet (9.90 degrees). Reproduction of the gems that have an index
Refraction less than 1.76 at the same time cause a butterfly effect, decreased
Considerable brightness and beauty of the stone.

For refractive index of   1.76
Index:                                       96
Number of faces:                      89 (C = 40 P = 32 F = 16 T = 1)
Brightness size:                         78.3%
Volume:                                    0430
Length / Width:                         1.38
Height of crown:                       0213
Height of pavilion:                     .0763
Total height / width:                   0826
Table / width:                            0557

F1 02-46-50-94                      90.00 Determine the width
F2 20-28-68-76                      90.00 Determine the length
F3        90.00   07-41-55-89    segments F3 and F4
F4 13-35-61-83                      90.00 are of equal length.
1. 64.34                                   02-46-50-94 Location of girdle
2. 64.72                                   07-41-55-89 Location of girdle
3. 61.25                                   13-35-61-83 Location of girdle
4. 59.49                                   20-28-68-76 Location of girdle
5. 57.13                                   04-44-52-92 Meet F1 and F3
6. 52.31 1                                6-32-64-80 Meet F4 and F2
7. 47.30                                    96-48 - Meet 1 and 5
8. 43.01                                   09-39-57-87 Meet 2 and 5
9. 37.40                                   24-72 - Meet 4 and 6
1. 55.69                       02-46-50-94 height girdle
2. 57.29                       07-41-55-89 height girdle
3. 53.29                       13-35-61-83 height girdle
4. 52.05                       20-28-68-76 height girdle
5. 43.60                       04-44-52-92 Meet F1 and F3
6. 39.50                       16-32-64-80 Meet F2 and F4
7. 27.51                       96-48 - Meet 1 and 5
8. 23.16                       09-39-57-87 Meet 3 and 6
9. 19.36 -                     24-72 - Meet 4 and 6
10. 13.55                      04-44-52-92   5-7-8 Meet
11. 09.72                     16-32-64-80    6-8-9 Meet
T. Table 00.00             7-10-9-11 Meeting

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