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Sunday, April 8, 2012


This model, which is slightly rounded triangular shape, has light lines
And refined that give it an elegant and refined. Facets of the pavilion, slender
Like rays of light illuminate the delicate tints of their route to the crown,
Evoking the image of a tissue lace interspersed with sunshine.

This design will delight facetious who wish to achieve an economy of material.
The depth of the pavilion, as the elevation of the crown, is the least significant
And allow a reproduction of the model using a piece of gross whose thickness is minimal.
The difficulty level is high, however. His impressive number of facets (106) and
The delicacy of the lines starry flag requires the use of a gem
Whose final size will exceed 14 millimeters in diameter?

For refractive index of              1.52
Index:                                       96
Number of facets:                     106 (C = 45 P = 48 F = 12 T = 1)
Brightness size:                         84.1%
Volume:                                    0170
Length / Width:                         1.0
Height of crown:                       0225
Height of pavilion:                     .0739
Total height / width:                   0577
Table / width:                            0463

A. Pavilion
F1         90.00              06-26-38-58-70-90 Determine the diameter of the stone.
F2         90.00              02-30-34-62-66-94 Determine the diameter of the stone.
1. 46.50                       02-26-38-58-70-90 Determine the location of the girdle.
2. 48.20                       02-30-34-62-66-94 Meet the facets F1 and F2.
3. 44.45                       01-31-33-63-65-95 Meet facets F2 and 2.
4. 41.30                       07-25-39-57-71-89 Meet the facets F1 and 1.
5. 42.96                       05-27-37-59-69-91 Meet the facets F1 and 2.
6. 43.95                       03-29-35-61-67-93 Meet facets 1 to 2 and 5.
7. 41.90                       06-26-38-58-70-90 Meet facets 1 to 4 and 5.
8. 44.00                       02-30-34-62-66-94 Meet facets 2 to 3 and 6.
B. Crown
1. 06-26-38-58-70-90                         34.78 Determine the height of the girdle.
2. 02-30-34-62-66-94                         42.50 Meet the facets F1 - F2 and 1.
3. 35.60 96-32-64                               Meet facets F2 and 2.
4. 05-27-37-59-69-91                         30.92 Meet the facets F1 and 2.
5. 02-30-34-62-66-94                                     28.38  Meet facets 2 and 3.
6. 05-27-37-59-69-91                                     26.69  Meet facets 2 and 3.
7. 07-25-39-57-71-89                                     22.23  Meet facets 1 and 4.
8. 11-21-43-53-75-85                         21.92 Meet the facets F1 and 1.
T. Table 0.00  

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