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Monday, February 6, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Corundum, Cornelia, Diamondn

Some varieties of corundum are natural gemstones. The ruby and sapphire are the varieties most commonly used in jewelry. Emery variety of this stone is a ceramic widely used, mainly as an abrasive because of its hardness, and as refractory. Corundum is the second hardest natural mineral after diamond. Corundum is used in some sharpening stones, but also in all kinds of wheels.

The Carnelian is a variety of quartz red to red-brown in the group of red chalcedony. It is mainly used for jewelry. When buying carnelian, we must be vigilant because most stones are actually proposed tinted agates. The Carnelian is a stone of solid color, while the colored agates presented often have multi-colored lines.

Diamond is a mineral composed of carbon. This is the hardest of all natural materials. They form when it is under conditions of temperature and pressure very high, corresponding to depths of about 180 km in the mantle. Ten tons of ore can be extracted only one carat diamond. In general, square kilometers of land is excavated for a size able rock, hence the cost of diamonds. The beauty of his brilliant is because it has a high refractive index of light and a large dispersive power. But all diamonds are not used in jewelry. Any failure can deprive them of the value and they are then used to craft applications. Because of its extreme hardness, diamonds can be machined only by another diamond, so the sculpture and the polish of the stone are the most important elements. There are many ways to cut the diamond, but one that is best in the beauty of the diamond is certainly the size "brilliant" that turns rough stones into gems of light, showing 58 facets.
Use: invulnerability to undead.

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