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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Informations About Gemstones - Aquamarine, Azurite, Beryl.

An aquamarine stone is a fine once considered semi-precious stone. It is a variety of beryl, transparent, light blue reminiscent of sea water Aquamarine is often found in granitic pegmatites.

The Azurite is a carbonate mineral azure blue, light blue or dark. It is a basic copper carbonate produced from other minerals of copper, by the corrosive action of air and water, similar to the patina-green or gray that forms on copper Ordinary. The azurite can be used, and malachite, as a pigment. These two minerals have a vitreous luster and delicate when properly polished are very ornamental. For a long time, they are used as gems. The characteristic intense blue azurite is found in most of the tables. Indeed, reduced to fine powder and mixed with suitable binders, minerals azurite can be transformed into precious pigments pictorial. Similarly, green pigments were obtained from malachite.

Beryl or beryl, a mineral composed of silicate of beryllium and aluminum. It is easily recognizable by its morphology and hexagonal prismatic faces. Beryl, such as tourmaline, a mineral of granite pegmatites. Of variable size, sometimes very large, is formed at the end of the crystallization of the granite massifs, when the remaining magma was enriched in rare elements and water from the magma to start. Mineralizing elements promote the development of large crystals. In these pegmatite’s, beryl can be associated with topaz, tourmaline, muscovite and lepidolite in large crystals of feldspar and quartz. Beryl may also appear in the marbles.
Use: keeps enemies at bay.

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