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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Information About - Pearl, Moonstone, Quartz

The beads are small beads, usually white, created by certain mollusks, primarily oysters. When an object passes irritant inside the shell, the animal reacts by surrounding the object with a layer of calcium carbonate. This mixture is called nacre. The pearl has now rependu and pearls are rarely found in the wild. The aesthetic quality of the pearl depends on the thickness of the shell but also the regularity of crystallization. The beads are used to make jewelry. They owe their iridescent sheen (close to the rainbow in the sky) to the reflection and refraction of translucent layers of nacre. The brightness is particularly fine as the layers are thinner and numerous. Pearls are often white, sometimes tinged with cream or pink, but may be tinted yellow, green, blue, brown or black. Black pearls are very expensive because it is very rare.
The Moonstone is an opalescent variety of orthoclase, quite sensitive to shocks, which evokes the moonlight. If the layers are thin enough, they give a nice blue. A reflection in one band can provide a moonstone-eye cat. The large stones of good quality are rare and expensive. The yellow orthoclase is a particular variety of orthoclase champagne color. Is fragile, it is size emerald cut for collectors.
Use: causes lycanthropy.
It comes either in the form of large colorless crystals, colored or smoked, either in the form of microscopic crystals of translucent appearance. Quartz is known since time immemorial: the patricians are using rock crystal balls to cool their hands in summer: the quartz is indeed an excellent thermal conductor. It is also used for water treatment but also Litho therapy (stress, fatigue, anxiety). In nature, quartz is rarely in the form of single crystals of sufficient quality. The crystals can also contain inclusions, liquid, gaseous or solid. Since it is very common and hard, quartz can be used, like the flint to start a fire the spark produced by the percussion of a steel blade, used to ignite combustible materials such tinder.

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