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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Emerald, Garnet, Hematite

Emerald is one of the most expensive gems. In jewelry, mainly on the size of "Emerald" (rectangle with cut sides), to "cap" in "pear" or "oval". The widespread presence of inclusions, gracefully called "frosted" or poetically "garden" is not a handicap, because it can certify the origin of the stone, some crystallographic peculiarities are highly sought by collectors (star six branches, called Tranche emerald). Most emeralds are treated with oils or resins because they are very fragile.
The emerald, in general, also symbolizes true love and sincere and it is the stone of knowledge.
Use: improves vision, treats blindness and myopia, protects against snake bites. It is sometimes called "stone of chastity," which is disturbed in case of infidelity.

The garnets are used as gemstones in jewelry for thousands of years. In those ancient times, they were known under the name of carbuncle or gem. Historically, the garnets are supposed to protect the injury and poison, stop bleeding, a symbol of truth and loyalty, and bring prosperity. Due to the significant number of different chemical elements that constitute them, garnets show a wide range of colors ranging from yellow to red through green and black, only the blue color is not represented.

Etymologically derived from the word "blood", hematite is a mineral very common, black to silvery gray, brown to red, or red. If it is powdered, hematite, whatever its variety, gives red flashes. Hematite powder was also used as a red pigment. Hematite usually forms by the erosive action of water.
Use: Helps Warriors and heals wounds

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