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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jade: There are two types of minerals

Jade: There are two types of minerals
Jade is known in China for millennia. This is actually the "nephritis." The Spaniards had brought the new world and called "piedra de hijada," which became "jade" in French.
In the 19th century, it was found that the mineral came from China was different from that from the New World. The Central America was called "jadeite." Therefore, jade is a name that covers the nephrite and jadeite.
Nephrite and jadeite are hard stones, jadeite's a little more.
Today it is jadeite jade that is considered the real jade because its colors are green in more vivid than nephrite and is more translucent.

Beliefs about the jadeite and nephrite
In China, nephritis covered some dead in their graves to keep them and give them immortality.
In Central America, the Olmecs, Mayas and Toltec’s carved jadeite or making masks.
Long, jade was a symbol of love and virtue. It was also an outward sign of social status.
Many people believed that jade cure kidney disease, and indeed the word "nephrite" comes from the Greek "nephros" which means "kidney".

Jade-producing countries
Jadeite jade is produced in Myanmar. Entire blocks of rock are sold as is. We practice just a tiny window to get an idea of its inner quality.

Jade's wedding
Celebrating the wedding of Jade on the occasion of 26 years of marriage.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quartz - Rock crystal: This colorless quartz is also known as "rock crystal

Quartz: Quartz is incredible The variety / range a family that includes many types of gems such as amethyst ranging in color from red to violet purple, citrine that goes from yellow to orange, which as its name emetine suggests combining the color of amethyst and that of citrine, rose quartz, which can range from transparent to translucent and is reminiscent of the powder pink, onyx to be presented below, the agates that show ornamental designs, the chrysoprase in color apple green, with superb retile quartz inclusions, drusy quartz surface covered with very small shiny crystals, etc ....
On a relatively more affordable, quartz often replaces more expensive gems such as diamonds. It has, however, a value as such.

Rock crystal
This colorless quartz is also known as "rock crystal". The best rock crystal has the clarity and the reflection of water. Jewelry, rock crystal is often engraved.
It is said that the colorless crystals of quartz provide the physical and mental health.

The quartz
The "smoky quartz" also called "smoky topaz" is brown transparent quartz. Of course, it is not a topaz.

The rutile quartz
Quartz, rutile is appreciated for its inclusions. It is as transparent as rock crystal, but it has, in its mass of golden needles very decorative. Some inclusions called "Venus's hair".

Quartz tourmaline
Quartz tourmaline is an unusual variety of quartz containing inclusions of black tourmaline crystals or dark green.

Quartz, tiger's eye
Quartz "tiger eye" contains brown iron which gives it a golden yellow color. Stones "tiger eye" are cabochon cut in the surface, a ray of light that evokes the eye of the tiger.
We find this type of quartz in South Africa, Australia, Myanmar, India and the United States.

The "chalcedony" is not a crystal consists of a single crystal, but of microcrystal.
There is a wide variety of chalcedony including cryptocrystalline quartz with patterns.

The agates are many
The bloodstone has red spots on a green background, the moss agate has a plant motifs. Jasper often looks like a painting landscaped. The black onyx is chalcedony quartz which owes its color to an ancient dyeing process still used today. The Carnelian, orange-colored sustained a translucency that makes it possible to make signet or seals. The chalcedony chrysoprase is one of a green apple transfused. On found mainly in Australia. It owes its color to nickel in it.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Onyx: Onyx is often used as background to highlight colors

The Onyx Black onyx chalcedony comes from the Greek "onyx" which means nail. It is a variety of chalcedony in the very fine texture and black. Onyx is often used as background to highlight colors. This is the ideal stone for burning. When it has scratches or streaks on a black background color, you can then burn cameos.

Beliefs about the onyx:
It is said that one day Cupid cut the fingernails had Venus as she slept and had not picked up the pieces fell on the sand. The Fates were soon transformed these pieces of stone nails that nothing disappears from the body of the divine. At the time, onyx was associated with the colors of chalcedony and could therefore be of nail color, but brown or black.
It seems that the Onyx is a factor in improving the health of nails, skin and hair.

Characteristics of onyx
Today, the color of onyx is limited to black, preferably, and dark brown. Chalcedony reddish beige and white is called "sardonic".

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Garnet: stone with fine varieties

Garnet: stone with fine varieties
Characteristics of garnets:
The garnets are of gem quality stones.
"Garnet" means a family group minerals from crystallizing nésosilicates; group that belongs to the cubic crystal system.
A rock composed mainly of garnet called a granitite.
When used alone, the word is synonymous with garnet proper-almandine.
The garnets are hard (7 to 7.5 in 10). The pyrope, which are part, are often used as abrasives, although it prefers corundum is even harder (9 of 10).
Garnets are hot color from red to green:

• Pyrope: fire red, brownish
• Rhodolite (limine variety of pyrope): pinkish red, purplish
• Almandine red brick that can shoot the purple
• Spessartite or "color Fanta" orange to red-brown
• Hessonite (grossular): dark orange
• Tsavorite (grossular): intense green
• Demantoid (andradite): green meadow emerald garnet most valuable

Producing countries:
The garnet deposits are found mainly in Ceylon, Brazil, Madagascar, United States, Tanzania, Zambia, India, Afghanistan, South Africa, Australia, knowing however that is mostly hessonite Ceylon and the tsavorite comes mainly from Tanzania. Bohemia is a producer of proper.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Peridot: Green is the only color the Peridot has three different names:

Peridot: Green is the only color the Peridot has three different names:
Peridot, Olivine or chrysalides.
It is in the business of stone that is called 'peridot', a name from the Greek "peridona" which means "very generous".

Features peridot:
The peridots are single crystals of olivine (magnesium silicate and iron present in the basic and ultra basic rocks).
Peridot comes in one color: green, going green, brown and yellow to green to olive green.
Traces of iron give a deep green with a discreet golden touch.
Note finally some very rare precious peridot cat's eye and star peridot.
Peridot is not very hard (6.5 / 7sur 10). It is not easy to work. However, when the stone was cleared of the most disturbing inclusions, it can be without risking damage.

Producing countries peridots:
Peridot is found in abundance in Pakistan. This is the "Kashmir Peridot" stone of the finest quality that exists. Other deposits are in Afghanistan, Myanmar, China, United States, Africa and Australia.
To highlight the exceptional quality of peridot from Pakistan, they were given the name "Peridot Kashmir", in reference to the remarkable Kashmir sapphires. Of lapidary managed to create, from the largest crystals, stones dazzling, beautiful, and unique: a green extraordinary support, weighing over 100 carats.

A stone in perfect harmony with the cool summer
Peridot is a green color that gives freshness to the outfits worn in the summer.

Friday, February 24, 2012

THE TOPAZ: the sun in all its splendeur Croyances about topaz:

The Topaz: the sun in all its splendeur Croyances about topaz:
The Egyptians and the Romans associated the topaz to the gods of the sun, each with Ra, the other with Jupiter. This means the protection and strength that topaz was supposed to provide the holder.

Characteristics of topaz:
Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate crystal. In nature, topaz comes in a wide range of colors.
It can be colorless, white, light blue, light yellow, yellow-brown, amber, orange, pinkish brown, pink and even red. Treated topaz blue sky is encountered most often in jewelry
The dark colors are mostly obtained by heat treatment.
Imperial topaz is identifiable by its color ranging from golden to deep red-orange.
Topaz is a heavy stone, a very good hardness (8 of 10).
Because of its perfect cleavage, it is wise to avoid shocks because it can crack.
Topaz may have two other features:
When moving the finger on the table topaz faceted and it sliding as if the rock was slippery.
Some topaz loses their clarity when long exposed to daylight.

Producing countries topazes
The topaz is found in warm colors especially in Brazil (Ouro Preto) and Sri Lanka; pink topaz in Pakistan and Russia, blue topaz in Brazil, Sri Lanka and China.

The wedding of topaz and natives of November
Celebrating the wedding of topaz on the occasion of 44 years of marriage.
Topaz is also par excellence of the stone native of November.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tourmaline: tourmaline stone of many colors

Tourmaline: stone visages La multi tourmaline stone of many colors, is also called "stone arch in the sky." Some tourmaline change color depending on the light in which they bathe.
The hardness of the tourmaline is wide 7 / 7.5 10.
It is difficult to carve this stone not only because it may break, but also because it must ensure that the diachronic is preserved.

Beliefs about the tourmaline
It seems that the tourmaline comes heavily on love and friendship to ensure their stability.

Characteristics of tourmaline:
This stone is made up of crystals of various kinds of colors that give it very special.
In addition to its many colors, Tourmaline is diachronic, in that it has different colors or more or less intense depending on the viewing angle.
A tourmaline can be red, pink, and yellow, green, blue. Generally, it has many colors.
Since the bright yellow tourmalines from Malawi have been sold, this high-quality color and lacking until now, was added to the range, apparently unlimited, shades, this "stone of rainbow heaven”
The high-quality tourmalines are rare and highly sought after.

Robeline tourmaline
A "Robeline" is a deep red tourmaline comparable to that of rubies and the color is stable in both daylight and artificial light, which is not characteristic of other tourmalines.

The pink tourmaline
The red tourmaline and pink tourmaline have different shades ranging from pink to ruby red.
These tourmalines exhibit, artificial light, a reflection brownish.
If their color varies depending on the light source, then it is a "pink tourmaline".

The yellow tourmaline
In 2000, it was discovered in South Africa deposits of tourmalines yellow. When they contain a touch of green, they are said to have the color "canary." The yellow "power" comes from traces of magnesium. It can be obtained artificially by heat treatment.

Green Tourmaline
The green tourmaline has a color similar to that of the emerald, due to traces of chromium it contains. It is also called "chrome tourmaline" tourmaline or chromium.
The emerald green tourmaline from Tanzania has a color that closely resembles the finest emeralds are, remember, precious stones.
There are a multitude of variations Dan green, green, blue, bottle, yellow green, olive green, green-brown.

Blue Tourmaline
Blue Tourmaline or "indigo lithe" is fascinating and of great rarity.
When the tourmaline is pure blue, it is particularly harmonious.

Paraiba Tourmaline
The most beautiful of all tourmalines, is that of Brazilian Paraiba mines. Its color ranges from deep blue to blue-green.
Mines Paraiba tourmalines also contain other fascinating colors: all sorts of shades of gray, green, red, blue, copper ... all of exceptional beauty.

Tourmaline-producing countries
The largest deposits are in Brazil, Sri Lanka, South Africa and South Africa-West.
There are also Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Madagascar, the United States and in many African countries.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Kunzite: the stone kunzite pardon La remember the name of George Kunz

The Kunzite: the stone kunzite pardon La remember the name of George Kunz, gemologist famous very keen in beliefs related to different stones.

Beliefs about the kunzite:
They say the kunzite it helps to forgive heartaches and take a step back from all of our emotions.

Characteristics of the kunzite:
The kunzite is pink - purple due to the presence of manganese.
It is a variety of spodumene, aluminum silicate and lithium. The mineral spodumene is a glassy, opaque, whose color ranges from white to green depending on the amount of iron it contains. It can be yellow or pink and that's when the kunzite.
The kunzite loses its vividness of color if exposed too long to light.
Although kunzite is fairly hard (7 on a scale of 10), it may break on impact, along its cleavage plane.

Producing countries kunzite
There are deposits kunzite United States, Brazil, Afghanistan, Burma and Madagascar.

The Opal: The opalescence of aboard Une "Opal" is a mineral composed of hydrated silica.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Opal: Characteristics of the opal:

Characteristics of the opal:
For centuries the waters have drained to the silica into opal found in small amounts, often embedded in the rocks and shells. This shows how the operation of the opal is delicate.
Opal has a hardness of about 5.5 to 6.5 out of 10.
It can contain up to 30% water. This explains why we should not store in a dry place at risk it becomes dehydrated and splits.
The opal, transparent to translucent consists of a stack of silica beads. The crystals are formed in pseudo morphs, the most common being those of wood, shells and bones.
The pure mineral is transparent or milky.
The opalescence of opal is an optical phenomenon observed on the background transparent or translucent. This gives an opal or a milky appearance, with iridescent reflections.
The color of the opal is mostly lighting effects resulting from its stratification that causes interference and gives it its pearly luster.

Opal also inherits a color based on pigments it contains.
Traces of iron oxides, for example, give it a color which range from yellow to brown or even orange.
The fires, that is to say, the iridescence, are the guarantee of quality opals. They are due to the diffraction of light by layers of silica beads perfectly spaced. This diffraction is not in the common opal called "potch" in which the balls are randomly arranged. The reflections of the most common are white, blue and gray, blacks are rarer. The red glare, due to larger spheres, is the rarest.
The opal has different varieties which are distinguished by their origin, background color or nature.
Without color schemes, with only a milky white with shades of gray, it is considered "common". With color schemes, it is classified "precious." The "harlequin design" means a distribution extremely rare color of an opal that of the tile to dress well defined. An opal "Harlequin" may be black, white, boulder...

Opals include the following:

  • The opal white or opal noble: it has burners of bright colors on a white translucent to milky
  • The Black Opal: It has multicolored lights bright on a dark gray to black.
  • The fire opal: It is transparent, yellow-orange to orange fluorescent red, with or without color schemes.
  • Opal "crystal" is transparent, with or without color schemes.
  • Opal vitrifies, vitreous, colorless and without lights.
  • The opal "boulder", rich in iron, cracks formed in a host rock.

Opal is an opal hydrophane opaque white, rarely tinted, including transparency and lights only appear when wet or immersed in water.

Producing countries Opals
Australia produces most and the most beautiful opals in the world. Followed in the disorder Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, the United States, Ethiopia, Honduras, Japan, Peru, Indonesia and Slovakia.
In the United States, San Francisco, we produced synthetic opal beauty.

The wedding of opal
Celebrating the wedding of opal on the occasion of 21 years of marriage.
On the astrological point of view, the black opal, white areas are more specifically attuned to the signs of Pisces, Aquarius, Cancer, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn.
The fire opal is ideal for signs of Aries and Scorpio

Monday, February 20, 2012

Spinel:much appreciated by connoisseurs for centuries

Spinel: much appreciated by connoisseurs for centuries, was likened to the spinel ruby it was supposed to imitate. Yet spinel is rarer than rubies and it would logically have argued more expensive, which is far from being the case.
Today, spinel was recognized as such. Its wide range of colors, bright sound and hardness are very popular with professionals.
Red is the color of the most common spinel. It comes in several colors, from pink to red purple.
Spinel is rarely blue, a beautiful blue called "cobalt spinel."

Characteristics of spinel:
Spinel is a fairly hard stone, which is usually faceted in oval, round, rectangle with rounded corners.
Be careful not to confuse the natural spinel synthetic stone that bears the same name, but that has absolutely nothing to do.

Spinel-producing countries:
Spinel is found mainly in Myanmar, but also in Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Tajikistan.
Among all species of gems, the one that stands out is the spinel from Burma. Its color is hot pink and a very lively with a hint of orange.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The pearl: what features of the pearl culture?

The pearl: what features of the pearl culture?
The pearl is a gem organic in that it is formed when the oyster covers a foreign mother of pearl.
Today, pearls are most often cultivated by man. We introduce a pearl bead inside the oyster that one plunges into the sea oysters are harvested when to secrete layers of nacre around the bead.
The quality of pearls is based on their "East", i.e. of the iris due to the dispersion of light through the layers of nacre.
Luster, which is their ability to give a shine by the reflection of the light through these layers, and the vivacity of their surface are important factors of appreciation.
The beautiful pearls have a smooth and even. Other factors that increase or decrease the value are the regularity of the shape and size.
The pink pearls are the most popular.

Producing countries pearls
Cultured pearls come mainly from Japan.
The larger beads formed by oysters of larger size, are found in warmer waters. These "pearls of the South Pacific" and the "black pearls from Tahiti." Pearls 'freshwater' are grown in shellfish living in fresh water. China is the largest producer.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Red coral: the sea of red coral hot Features

Red coral: the sea of red coral hot Features
Coral is an organic gem.
It is extracted from the warm seas. It is hard enough to be worked in jewelry in particular.
To clean it and give it its shine, it can be polished with a soft coating of olive oil and few drops of turpentine. It can also be maintained by soaking in a bath of salt water or baking soda diluted in water (one tablespoon to a bowl of water).

Producing countries red coral
Mediterranean red coral can not be compared with warm-water corals found in shallow well and that we work in jewelry. Most of the countries bordering the warm seas have red coral.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Amber: Electric! Features amber

Amber is considered a gem, an "organic rock"
This is the gem the lightest and the tenderest (as opposed to diamond is the hardest).
Its name comes from the Arabic An bar. Following the discovery by Thales of its electrostatic properties, amber electron was called in Greek, the origin of the word "electricity". The ancient Greeks, like the Chinese, moreover, had in fact discovered that by rubbing amber, it produced an attraction to other objects and sometimes sparks. This is of course static electricity.
Amber is a fossilized resin of certain plant flowing poplar, alder, pine and even flowering plants.
The resin consists of soprano (cyclic molecule containing five carbon atoms) which, after many centuries and under certain conditions of heat and pressure, polymerizes and generates a material that is amber.
Baltic amber is the fossilized resin from coniferous trees of the Oligocene epoch that grew on the site of the present Baltic Sea. It is also known as "amber" or "amber" and is in the form of hard and brittle pieces more or less reddish. It is used especially in jewelry.
To find out if a piece of amber is real or counterfeit, the only reliable test is that of combustion. Placed on the amber white-hot needle. If this is true of amber, it smells of pine resin, while the needle leaves a white mark that crumbles amber. However, a plastic material gives off a pungent odor and leaves a black mark and sticky at the point of the needle.
Moreover, it is known without error the difference between a genuine and counterfeit inclusion. The inclusion is always true tan surrounded by a white who has fossilized in the resin. Traffickers do not know this brand imitate natural amber.

Beliefs about amber
It was thought that the amber preserved plant and animal life and is associated with an eternal youth.
This is why the Roman often kept pieces of amber in hand.
In addition, some Egyptian tombs contained amber.
The Slavs, meanwhile, have assimilated the petrified amber tears of the gods. Amber served as a talisman of protection. It also symbolizes the eternal bond of marriage.
In France, the Middle Ages, amber powder was an ingredient in love potions.
Amber, dedicated to Apollo, would be able to warm by transmitting solar energy. Thus, an amber necklace made of children's neck warmer. It also relieves the pain of babies during teething.
The man who wore a ring of amber could count on his manhood. The woman, whose ring on her wrist caused redness, was supposed adultery.

The wedding of amber:
Celebrating the wedding of Amber after 34 years of marriage.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dates to mark valuable ... one stone! - celebrate wedding anniversaries

Dates to mark valuable ... one stone! 
It is traditional to celebrate wedding anniversaries. Of all the important dates, some are represented by precious stones and pearls:

• 16-year marriage of sapphire
• 21-year marriage to Opal
• 23 years: the wedding of beryl (aquamarine, emerald)
• 26-year marriage of Jade
• 30-year marriage of Pearl
• 34-year marriage of amber
• 35 years of ruby wedding
• 40-year wedding anniversary Emerald
• 48-year marriage of amethyst
• 60 years, diamond wedding

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tips for choosing a diamond

Tips for choosing a diamond

There are four main criteria when buying a diamond: the 4C

    Color: Color 
When selecting your diamond, it is preferable to use a lamp that produces light that is as close as possible to the current one.
In most jewelry stores, you can find yellow spectrum lamps met Trent great value diamond, but artificially, once outside, facing the light, the brightness is suddenly much worse!

It is essential to choose your diamond with a light "cold" that reproduces the external light coming from the north between 12 and 14 h.

The certificate must accompany your diamond. This report includes all the major gemological characteristics of diamond, a real identity card of your stone.

We recommend the following laboratories: GIA, HRD, IGI and C.C.I.P.

Laser engraving of the certificate number on the girdle (circumference) of the stone is a "must". It allows full traceability of your diamond. You will learn to recognize your diamond for yourself through a microscope at a magnification of 15 times.

Examination of a diamond

Beware of stones treated. You will not find at home than natural diamonds, the certificates will confirm.

Know that diamonds such as "clarity enhanced" or "Enhanced Color" has been artificially modified (or color purity) as the price of a diamond drops very sharply (-70 to -80%)

An individual buying a diamond without a certificate takes the risk of unwittingly buying a treated stone!

It's not just the four main criteria of the diamond (weight, clarity, color, size) to consider when buying a diamond.

Indeed, the proportions of the diamond, its finishes and the fluorescence are also very important criteria.

1) The fluorescence:
Choose diamond fluorescence "none" or "nil" (null), "slight" (low) or "medium" for the colors D, E or F.
Avoid diamond fluorescence "strong" (high), it would give a milky appearance to the stone.

Choose a fluorescence "strong" for diamonds with color H, I, J. .. , This will improve the brightness and color of the stone.

2) The proportions:
Choose a diamond with proportions "very good" (very good). This will guarantee an optimal brightness.
The proportions of "good" give a dull appearance to the stone, it is often flat diamonds.

3) Finishes
Choose a diamond finishes with "very good" (very good) or "good" (good).
Avoid finishing called "medium" (medium) or "poor" (bad).
Finishes "very good" are rare.
We advise you to choose the diamond with a purity of between IF (pure) and SI2 and color between D and I.
For a stone for use in white gold, you should choose a color D, E, F or G. For yellow gold, the colors are suitable H or I, as the yellow gold make the stones whiter than they really are

Precious stones and diamonds
Purities on a microscope is needed to see an inclusion of type or VVS VS1. The VS2 and SI1 are correct, especially if the inclusion can be hidden under a prong of the ring.
From the point of view "investment", a diamond or pure VVS will financially more valuable than another with a pure VS or SI.

It is important to buy the diamond market prices.
There is a price list of cut diamonds available by subscription for professional and which is called the "Rapport Diamond Report." This list gives the price of all diamonds from 0.01 carat to 5.99 carats depending on their weight, their color, their purity and their forms of size.

It is used every day to diamond traders and the world in their transactions. This is of course the diamond.

Our advice:
Most importantly, choose a diamond that has "life", for which you have a "feeling".

1. GIA, Gemological Institute of America.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The weight of the diamond

The weight of the diamond

This is the simplest criterion.
The unit of weight of diamonds is the carat, equivalent to 0.20 grams. Below a carat, is called hundredths.

A diamond weighing 0.25 labeled 25 / 100 (as we say 25 points). The word "carat" comes from the carob seed, once used to weigh
the stones.

The weight of the stone determines its size, so its diameter.

Some examples of the size of diamonds of different weights.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The purity of the diamond

The purity of the diamond

A diamond may contain small crystals called inclusions.

To assess the purity of a diamond, we must study the number and position of inclusions involved in the stone.

The inclusions are deformations or accidents that occurred during the formation of a diamond in the earth, when he found himself in contact with different materials, or when he met with changes in temperature or pressures this explains their diversity.

Various international standards have been established and, schematically, they are summarized in the following classification: "loupe clean", "VVS", "VS", "IF" and "P".

"Loupe clean": this classification is the degree of the highest purity. This means that, under normal light and scrutinized x10, the diamond must appear free of inclusions.

"VVS (Very Small Inclusion)": in this case we note the presence of very very small inclusions, which can hardly be detected under the microscope x10.

"VS (Very Small Inclusion)": this term characterizes the rocks containing very small inclusions remains difficult to see fewer than 10 x magnifications.

"IF (Small Inclusion)": this is the next lower degree of purity. It applies to gems whose inclusions are small, but easy to see under the microscope x10.

Pique 1: This includes diamonds with inclusions, although discernible in principle, are barely visible to the naked eye when viewed through the crown.
Pique 2: This category applies to diamonds with inclusions, many or not, but relatively large, are visible to the naked eye through the crown.
Pique 3: This category features all diamonds with large inclusions, easily spotted with the naked eye through the crown and the number of which is seriously affecting the brilliance of the stone

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The color of the diamond

The color of the diamond
The appreciation of color is crucial in the estimation of a stone, and explains the differences in the price of a diamond to another.

In general, the color of diamonds varies from bluish white to yellowish, the other color are called fancy colors.

We distinguish blue, green, yellow (but only when it is canary yellow) and brown (when it is intense).
The light brown and champagne tones have a lower value, and rating varies according to demand.
Pink is very popular and is usually very pale, but when it is intense, its value is equal or superior to that of pure white.
The yellow and brown diamonds are rated the least, in general they are mainly used in industry.

Unambiguously determine the color of diamonds, eliminating the subjectivity as much as possible, has always been a necessary step in the diamond trade.

A ladder was set up to classify the color of a diamond: it starts to D (snow white) and ends with the letter Z (pronounced yellow):

The diamonds couplers
For an initial assessment of the color of the diamond, it is placed on a sheet of white Bristol board well, folded in the middle, the cu let of the stone is facing up, as it is in this part that the color is more apparent.

The examination is approaching the box as close to a white light source and cold water, removing all other external light influences.
It can also be done in the light of day, facing north (never in the sunlight), a clear day.

An old process was to mist the stone of his breath: it was indeed found that the colors are easier to detect As the fog disappears from the stone.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The size of the diamond

The size of the diamond
The right size of the diamond is not defined only on the basis of measurements and it is also and above all a matter of taste. However standards have been established which allow evaluating the proportions of a diamond.

The proportions are expressed as percentages and degrees. On the basis of the percentage of 100%, which corresponds to the diameter of the diamond is determined:

Proportion Diamond Cut

    The height of the crown;
    The diameter of the table;
    The depth of the cylinder head;
    The thickness of the girdle;

Proportion of ideal size

Good proportions are out of the stone brilliance and sparkle that highlight the diamond. This is not the size of the diamond, but the way it is cut.

It is the art of the size which gives the diamond its brilliance, its brilliance, its unique way of playing with light.
Facets must be perfectly proportioned; a round diamond (brilliant cut) has in 58.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gems, Gemstones

This article will present a variety of precious stones of all kinds accompanied by illustrations and small notes. The robbers, jewelers, fences and other dealers have many stones need this game if they want to help give more realism to their roles...

Use the small note will give some indication of their usefulness, magical and / or medicine, and will therefore magicians and quacks to design their magic items and potions. A stone that protects the poison will be used as components for the manufacture of an antidote or an equivalent magic item, but the stone itself does not grant any bonus whatever it is.

Good to know: the faceting is a fairly recent invention, by the way the diamond in the middle Ages was not popular because the faceting did not exist, and therefore his interest was much lower. It is roughly polished stones most of the time while guarding a natural form...
Of course, the stones of the great feudal lords or Episcopalians were more elaborate, and they were entitled to perfect cabochons ... or carved gems, like the Coast of Brittany, which is part of the treasure of France, a huge ruby carved in the shape of a dragon...
As for diamonds, and until the seventeenth century, it is represented by the black in the tables ... And the myriad of jet cabochons portraits of Elizabeth I for example are in fact as many diamonds...
For pearls, until the seventeenth century, we used many beads freshwater mussels ... In France and Italy, the beautiful sea pearls are the exclusive appendage kings and princes of the Church...

Agate is quartz and a variety of chalcedony is found among others in rivers. It is a fine stone or semi-precious and there are several varieties: red, green, yellow, blue or black.
Usage: sleep in peace.

  1. Alexandrite
  2. Almandine 
  3. Amethyst
  4. Aquamarine 
  5. Azurite
  6. Beryl
  7. Chalcedony 
  8. Chrysoberyl 
  9. Chrysolite 
  10. Chrysoprase 
  11. Citrine 
  12. Cordierite 
  13. Cornelia 
  14. Corundum 
  15. Diamonds
  16. Emerald 
  17. Garnet 
  18. Hematite 
  19. Moonstone 
  20. Morion 
  21. Onyx, 
  22. Opal 
  23. Pearl 
  24. Peridot 
  25. Quartz 
  26. Rhodochrosite 
  27. Rhodolite 
  28. Ruby 
  29. Sapphire 
  30. Sardonyx 
  31. Serpentine 
  32. Spinel 
  33. Tanzanite 
  34. Topaz 
  35. Tourmaline
  36. Zircon
  37. Malachite
  38. Obsidian

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Informations About Gemstones - Aquamarine, Azurite, Beryl.

An aquamarine stone is a fine once considered semi-precious stone. It is a variety of beryl, transparent, light blue reminiscent of sea water Aquamarine is often found in granitic pegmatites.

The Azurite is a carbonate mineral azure blue, light blue or dark. It is a basic copper carbonate produced from other minerals of copper, by the corrosive action of air and water, similar to the patina-green or gray that forms on copper Ordinary. The azurite can be used, and malachite, as a pigment. These two minerals have a vitreous luster and delicate when properly polished are very ornamental. For a long time, they are used as gems. The characteristic intense blue azurite is found in most of the tables. Indeed, reduced to fine powder and mixed with suitable binders, minerals azurite can be transformed into precious pigments pictorial. Similarly, green pigments were obtained from malachite.

Beryl or beryl, a mineral composed of silicate of beryllium and aluminum. It is easily recognizable by its morphology and hexagonal prismatic faces. Beryl, such as tourmaline, a mineral of granite pegmatites. Of variable size, sometimes very large, is formed at the end of the crystallization of the granite massifs, when the remaining magma was enriched in rare elements and water from the magma to start. Mineralizing elements promote the development of large crystals. In these pegmatite’s, beryl can be associated with topaz, tourmaline, muscovite and lepidolite in large crystals of feldspar and quartz. Beryl may also appear in the marbles.
Use: keeps enemies at bay.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Informations About Gemstones - Chalcedony, Chrysoberyl, Chrysolite.

Chalcedony is a mineral composed of silica near the quartz. The men sometimes use chalcedony for making tools. There are several varieties: Red Carnelian, Sard brown, light green Chrysoprase, Heliotrope green to red spots, Agate coloring area...
Use: keeps the undead at bay.

The chrysoberyl is usually a green or yellow to brownish, but may occasionally change from green to red depending on the light (alexandrite). The chrysoberyl is often associated with granites and pegmatites. It is accompanied by other resistant minerals such as corundum and diamond.
Application: protection against possession.

The chrysolite gemstone, beryl, or is a variety of olivine. Light green, it is used in jewelry such as gemstone and is often called peridot. This term meant many gems with golden highlights, especially when the reflection was tinged with green, like some varieties of chrysoberyl, peridot (olivine), sapphire, topaz, and tourmaline. Several other stones or gems of lesser value are fraudulently called "chrysolite" in most cases, the purpose of deception on quality.
Use: Reach into contact with the flesh, it represses the bawdiness. Put under the tongue of fever, it quenches thirst, which is something common to the crystal and several stones, but not as obvious with the chrysolite. It also has to protect the reputation of madness and to immunize against spells

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Chrysoprase, Citrine, Cordierite.

The chrysoprase is a gem variety of chalcedony, but which contains nickel. It is usually pale green, but can also be dark green. It is made of crystals so small that you can not see under the microscope. This feature differentiates the amethyst, citrine, and other forms of quartz, which are more or less transparent and form hexagonal crystals. That's the color it is sought not for its forms. Because of the shortage of chrysoprase, and its pleasant green color, chrysoprase is a very popular type of quartz. The purest gems are comparable to jade, with which it is sometimes confused. Cut into cabochons is also sought as amethyst.
Use: invisibility.

Citrine is a variety of quartz; the yellow color is due to the presence of trace amounts of iron oxides in the mineral. It is also called yellow quartz. It is relatively rare in nature. Most often it is heated amethyst takes a yellow instead of purple.

Cordie rite is more difficult to recognize from the beryl, especially on surfaces unaltered, as it can be confused with quartz. Surfaces altered, cordierite is transformed into micro crystalline aggregates of chlorate and serest, sometimes called pinite, which look "rusty". Cordie rite appears in the clay sediments undergoing thermal metamorphism. Cordie rite can also be found in some igneous rocks.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Corundum, Cornelia, Diamondn

Some varieties of corundum are natural gemstones. The ruby and sapphire are the varieties most commonly used in jewelry. Emery variety of this stone is a ceramic widely used, mainly as an abrasive because of its hardness, and as refractory. Corundum is the second hardest natural mineral after diamond. Corundum is used in some sharpening stones, but also in all kinds of wheels.

The Carnelian is a variety of quartz red to red-brown in the group of red chalcedony. It is mainly used for jewelry. When buying carnelian, we must be vigilant because most stones are actually proposed tinted agates. The Carnelian is a stone of solid color, while the colored agates presented often have multi-colored lines.

Diamond is a mineral composed of carbon. This is the hardest of all natural materials. They form when it is under conditions of temperature and pressure very high, corresponding to depths of about 180 km in the mantle. Ten tons of ore can be extracted only one carat diamond. In general, square kilometers of land is excavated for a size able rock, hence the cost of diamonds. The beauty of his brilliant is because it has a high refractive index of light and a large dispersive power. But all diamonds are not used in jewelry. Any failure can deprive them of the value and they are then used to craft applications. Because of its extreme hardness, diamonds can be machined only by another diamond, so the sculpture and the polish of the stone are the most important elements. There are many ways to cut the diamond, but one that is best in the beauty of the diamond is certainly the size "brilliant" that turns rough stones into gems of light, showing 58 facets.
Use: invulnerability to undead.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Emerald, Garnet, Hematite

Emerald is one of the most expensive gems. In jewelry, mainly on the size of "Emerald" (rectangle with cut sides), to "cap" in "pear" or "oval". The widespread presence of inclusions, gracefully called "frosted" or poetically "garden" is not a handicap, because it can certify the origin of the stone, some crystallographic peculiarities are highly sought by collectors (star six branches, called Tranche emerald). Most emeralds are treated with oils or resins because they are very fragile.
The emerald, in general, also symbolizes true love and sincere and it is the stone of knowledge.
Use: improves vision, treats blindness and myopia, protects against snake bites. It is sometimes called "stone of chastity," which is disturbed in case of infidelity.

The garnets are used as gemstones in jewelry for thousands of years. In those ancient times, they were known under the name of carbuncle or gem. Historically, the garnets are supposed to protect the injury and poison, stop bleeding, a symbol of truth and loyalty, and bring prosperity. Due to the significant number of different chemical elements that constitute them, garnets show a wide range of colors ranging from yellow to red through green and black, only the blue color is not represented.

Etymologically derived from the word "blood", hematite is a mineral very common, black to silvery gray, brown to red, or red. If it is powdered, hematite, whatever its variety, gives red flashes. Hematite powder was also used as a red pigment. Hematite usually forms by the erosive action of water.
Use: Helps Warriors and heals wounds

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Jade, Jasper, Lapis lazuli

Jade is a very hard gemstone-green more or less pronounced. The different varieties of jade were very used to the time of the polished stone for making axes. In the symbolic Oriental jade was a stone on the Emperor, the symbol of absolute power. In addition, they placed in the mouth of the deceased a cicada jade, a symbol of eternal life and resurrection. Always in the East, jade is considered to be the seed of the dragon.
Use: gift for music and instruments.

Jasper is a sedimentary rock is often classified with microcrystalline quartz. Jasper can have several aspects: spotted, ribbon, red (or Eastern), to red spots on a green background, black, etc.. and several varieties: The radiologists, red violet, the Lydian, rock close to the radiologists but gray or black due to the presence of carbonaceous materials, the aphanites more clay and gray or black. Jasper is often used to make cuts and also articles for the decoration of the facades.
Application: protection against venom.

Lapis lazuli
Lapis lazuli is a metamorphic rock that is often found in limestone. She is best known as an ornamental stone, opaque, blue, between the blue and ultramarine. The value lapis have a deep blue color, dotted with bursts of yellow pyrite. If they are too numerous, or if the rock contains veins of white calcite, then it loses its value. Lapis can be perfectly polite and it is widely used in jewelry. It is also used to make mosaics, sculptures and ornaments. Ground, it can serve as a blue pigment (overseas) for painting. Spinel, other ornamental stone, was sometimes sold for lapis and can also be confused with the sapphire.
Use: The lapis has a reputation as an aphrodisiac but you can assign other medicinal properties: good for the robustness of the members, and preventing the spirit of fear, doubt and envy. It is drunk crushed, mixed with milk.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Information About Gemstones - Malachite, Morion, Obsidian.

This stone is a deep green color and vibrant, almost always micro crystalline. When formed by oxidation of copper in air, it takes the name of green-gray. It can also be orange-red. Malachite is used as a mineral pigment shades to make some blue-green light and bright. The pigment is sensitive to light and acid and tends to turn color. Malachite is used as an ornamental stone for columns, tables, jewelry, etc..
Use: antioxidant protective action of cells, detoxifying effect, protection against falls, spells and evil spirits.

The morion is a variety of quartz very dark almost black color centers which contain iron irradiated naturally.

Gray, dark green, red or black, it comes from an acid wash. Obsidian is transparent to translucent and has a texture and a vitreous luster. Obsidian is formed from lava flows very thick and rich in silica. Roche unusual, it is used for the manufacture of edged sword for weapons and tools. The pebbles used in the manufacture of jewelry.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Information About - Onyx, Opal, Peridot

Onyx is a variety of chalcedony. The sardonic is a variant of onyx in which the colored bands are sard color (the sardine is a reddish brown variety of chalcedony) rather than black.
Use: causes discord among enemies.

The opal, transparent to translucent, is a form of hydrated silica. The amount of water in the opal varied density. Some varieties of opal are not compact and the introduction of pigments that change their base color. The pure mineral is transparent or milky, the base color varies from yellow to brown, through orange and even red, but the colored lights of opal are due to the play of light caused by the stratification that cause interference and give the pearly luster. Glare white, blue, gray and black (so rare stones are more expensive) are quite common and red highlights are very rare. The opal has different varieties, some of which are used in jewelry and classified as gemstones; these varieties are distinguished by their origin, background color or nature. Opal is a hydrated mineral; it is advisable to keep her jewelry in cotton damp. This will avoid losing water, and therefore its brilliance.
Use: good luck, healing in close contact with the eye.

Peri dot, yellowish-green or olive green, is the name given to the olivine when used as a gemstone in jewelry.
Use: immunity against enchantments.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Information About - Pearl, Moonstone, Quartz

The beads are small beads, usually white, created by certain mollusks, primarily oysters. When an object passes irritant inside the shell, the animal reacts by surrounding the object with a layer of calcium carbonate. This mixture is called nacre. The pearl has now rependu and pearls are rarely found in the wild. The aesthetic quality of the pearl depends on the thickness of the shell but also the regularity of crystallization. The beads are used to make jewelry. They owe their iridescent sheen (close to the rainbow in the sky) to the reflection and refraction of translucent layers of nacre. The brightness is particularly fine as the layers are thinner and numerous. Pearls are often white, sometimes tinged with cream or pink, but may be tinted yellow, green, blue, brown or black. Black pearls are very expensive because it is very rare.
The Moonstone is an opalescent variety of orthoclase, quite sensitive to shocks, which evokes the moonlight. If the layers are thin enough, they give a nice blue. A reflection in one band can provide a moonstone-eye cat. The large stones of good quality are rare and expensive. The yellow orthoclase is a particular variety of orthoclase champagne color. Is fragile, it is size emerald cut for collectors.
Use: causes lycanthropy.
It comes either in the form of large colorless crystals, colored or smoked, either in the form of microscopic crystals of translucent appearance. Quartz is known since time immemorial: the patricians are using rock crystal balls to cool their hands in summer: the quartz is indeed an excellent thermal conductor. It is also used for water treatment but also Litho therapy (stress, fatigue, anxiety). In nature, quartz is rarely in the form of single crystals of sufficient quality. The crystals can also contain inclusions, liquid, gaseous or solid. Since it is very common and hard, quartz can be used, like the flint to start a fire the spark produced by the percussion of a steel blade, used to ignite combustible materials such tinder.
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